Adoption, Wardship and Care Proceedings in Northern Ireland – Advice from JPHLAW Solicitors Portadown 

There are a number of different applications which a local trust may make if they have concerns about a child.

These include an application for an Emergency Protection Order, a Care Order, A Supervision Order, an Education Supervision Order or a Secure Accommodation Order. 

In these proceedings, the child is automatically a party and is represented by a Children’s Guardian . The Children’s Guardian is an independent person who is there to promote the child’s welfare and ensure that the arrangements made for the child are in his or her best interests. The guardian appoints a solicitor to act for the child. Occasionally the child and guardian will not agree on what is in the child’s interests and if the solicitor decides that the child is of sufficient age and understanding they will be able to instruct the solicitor.

Public funding (legal aid) is usually available for the parents to be represented in these proceedings.

We can act on your behalf whether before proceedings have been issued or after, and we will gain access to all relevant background information and documentation so that you are properly advised as to what to do.

We will represent you at court and make sure that all the relevant circumstances of your case are made known to the Judge. 
Wardship is the name given to court proceedings by which a child is made a ward of court. This means that the High Court can be vested with supreme legal guardianship of a child to ensure their safety and protection. Day-to-day care and control remains with an individual or the local authority but the court’s consent is required for any important step in the child’s life. Additionally, the child cannot be removed from Northern Ireland without the permission of the court.

We will do everything we can to ensure that the Trust exercises it’s duty to ensure that you receive the help you deserve and to fulfill their statutory obligation to ensure as far as possible that children remain with their families.

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